Still suffering from Menstrual Problems?

Women during the menstrual cycle might face a lot of uncomfortable symptoms while they are on their way to their periods. Premenstrual syndrome is one of the most common issues encountered that includes mild cramps and fatigue. These symptoms usually go away at the onset of periods. However, they can face many other menstrual problems. The menstruation can be too heavy or too light or no menstruation at all. These symptoms suggest an abnormal menstrual cycle.

There are several different menstrual problems that one may experience:

  • Gastritis
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Heavy periods
  • Absent Periods
  • Painful periods

There are much causes of the irregular menstrual cycle. The prominent one among them is hormone imbalance. The different levels of the hormone in the body lead to irregular periods. Other factors include:

  • Your thoughts and emotions play a vital role in controlling the levels of hormones in the body. If you are suffering from stress and anxiety, you may incur irregular period cycles.
  • Diet is an essential factor when it comes to period. A balanced diet offers the required vitamins and minerals that control the production of hormones. An inadequate diet plan may be the reason for abnormal menstrual cycles.
  • Lack of physical activity and exercise and too much physical exertion during periods also affect the menses.
  • Untreated illness like fever, TB, and thyroid may affect the body’s capability to produce hormones.
  • The type of medication you are going through may also play a role. If you continuously take oral contraceptive pills or hormonal therapy, it may alter the hormonal balance.

Homeopathy is considered one of the best aid in regulating menstrual cycles. Researches conclude that Homeopathy can help women tackle PCOS, a disease that affects one-third of total women population. Homeopathic works better in some situations and has fewer risks when compared to other allopathic medicines and surgeries. Over time, Homeopathy has established itself as a beneficiary in resolving problems related to irregular menses and the irritation caused during the period that accompanies pain and PMS syndrome. Homeopathy is natural and most of its products are made out of herbs and trees, providing an safe and affective treatment to irregular menses.

Mensol is an excellent product by Hahnemann Pure Drug Co. (HAPDCO) that can help you overcome your irregular periods. It is a uterine tonic that aids in the regulation of menstrual troubles and also enhances the health of the person. It can correct irregular periods and abnormal discharges that are accompanied by a headache, backache, anxiety, and diarrhea. One teaspoon of Mensol with a little amount of water, consumed two to three times a day, can help you control your menses and improve your health accordingly.

Mensol has gained importance and popularity in treating irregular menses, gynecological and obstetric problems. Along with that, many other practices will help you have a healthy menstrual cycle.

  • For a healthy lifestyle, do not compromise with healthy food habits. Eat healthy and nutritious food, do regular exercise.
  • Opt for an outdoor game and indulge yourself in physical activities to have good physical health.
  • Do meditation regularly. It helps in the production of hormones.
  • Avoid heavy physical work during menses.